Ocean of Dreams

2018 - 2019, China
Ocean of Dreams is a fantasy, theatrical show that features incredible magic. The show is set on Dream Maker, a ship that is sailing through an fantastical sea filled with dreams, illusions, and love. The ship becomes hopelessly lost as the passion that is the friction between one's soul and the outside world grinds down the ship. They become shipwrecked, unable to find their way home and it’s up to the cast of magicians to perform the impossible.
The show premiered in 2018 as part of the Shanghai Life Magic Festival. A $4 million dollar grand scale magic show presented for 10, 000 people at Shanghai's Mercedes-Benz Arena.
Directed by Don Fritz, producer of the Broadway hits, The Lion King & Beauty & the Beast.
Art Director Kemin Zhang | Musical director, Magician, Founder of Bukaopu art salon in Beijing, executive director of Li Delun Music Foundation, and screenwriter of China’s first magic musical “Joker’s Game”.
Creative Director (Joe) Deng Chuanjiu | Magician, Advisor to magic shows for the CCTV Spring Festival Gala in 2013 and 2015, and magic consultant for the Jiangsu TV’s hit “Amazing Magicians” show.
Music Director Jay Dub | Magician and Music Producer of TV shows like “The Voice of China” and “China's Strongest Voice”.
Dance Director Sweft Washington | Dancer and Founder of the entertainment company Sweft Feet, having worked with the Michael Jackson Dance Group and choreographed for Beyoncé Knowles’ concerts.
Mahdi Gilbert | Award-winning Canadian Magician & International Motivational Speaker
J.zen | World Famous Chinese Pop Star, Magician, Singer, Dancer, Composer, & Lyricist.
Magus Utopia | World Class Dutch Illusion Act
Raymond Crow | Australian Mime artist, Magician & Cabaret performer
Guo Xunjie | Famous Chinese Magician & Winner of The Amazing Magicians
Kiko Pastur | Spanish Sleight of Hand Conjuror
Nestor Hato | French Stage Magician
Kris Kristal | Russian Quick-Change Artist
Mirko Callaci | Argentinian Corporate Illusionist
Greg Frewin | Canadian Stage Illusionist
Photo Gallery

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.