Nothing is Impossible For Mahdi

Gilbert’s story is about magic and discouragement

April 5th, 2015

Canadian magicians Mahdi Gilbert (left) and Shane Cobalt arrived at the Kouvola Magic Days with their new Modern Magic performance.

The duo draws their tricks and style from the 19th century.

Nothing is impossible for Mahdi

Kouvola | Canadian magicians Mahdi Gilbert and Shane Cobalt build new performing arts based on old traditions.

Kari Huusari

Mahdi Gilbert knows what it is like to fight overwhelming obstacles.

- I constantly heard from others how different things are supposedly impossible for me. Luckily, it didn’t discourage me, but the pain, on the other hand, motivated me to move forward.

Gilbert practiced tricks at night in his own room because he didn't want others to see how he handled his deck of cards.

Gilbert, who trained without memory, mental abilities, and fingertips — an incredible skill for a man who doesn’t have fingers — became acquainted with Toronto magician Shane Cobalt six years ago, and future patterns gradually began to brighten.

- We both found S.W. From Erdnasen's 1902 book The Expert at the Card Table, and that's where our journey together began, Cobalt recalls.

The duo, who arrived at the KOUVOLA Magic Days, will present their latest program to their colleagues on Saturday, the first general performances of which will be at the Helsinki Theater WHS Union on April 7 and 8.

The magician Markku Purho, who has been hosting Magic Days since the beginning of 1982, knows a fun detail about Gilbert and Shane's Modern Magic performance.

- It is based on a book of the same name by Professor Hoffman (Angelo Lewis) from 1876. Hoffman's contemporaries considered the tricks presented in the book to be old-fashioned, but now Mahdi and Shane dug up the book and I believe the foot is very modern.

Combining history and current trends from the Kay Toronto duo by nature.

- At the showroom, we take a model from the 19th century, when magicians gave up the long cloaks, robes and other hallmarks they used to play. We have neat boobs, and the atmosphere is enhanced by tables made exactly according to the era, genuine crystal glasses and other details, Gilbert says.

PROGRAMS are always prepared in collaboration.

- We don't say anything that the other doesn't accept. They both have to think that the idea is great. Mere "ok" is not enough. Then the show would be right if we bought the tickets ourselves.

Close up magic requires a small, intimate space around it. It’s perfect for Gilbert and Cobalt, who inevitably don’t even miss the giant arenas.

What does the duo traveling around the world dream of?

- It's hard to say what the biggest thing would be. We’ve been able to work with people of such greats as David Copperfield and David Blaine, so many goals have already been achieved, Cobalt says.

Gilbert throws himself into philosophical:

- It is better to keep some things a secret, because I believe that then you will be able to find your own way.

Front Page + Article Newspaper Clipping - Signed, Rare (Finnish)

Collectible and extremely rare newspaper article about Mahdi Gilbert’s magic.

Signed Photograph - Limited Run

Gilbertin tarina kertoo taikuudesta ja lannistumattomuudesta

Kanadalaiset taikurit Mahdi Gilbert (vasemmalla) ja Shane Cobalt saapuivat Kouvolan Taikapaiville uuden Modern Magic -esityksensa kanssa.
Kaksikko ammentaa temppunsa ja tyylinsa 1800-luvulata.

Mahdille mikaan ei ole mahdotonta

Kouvola | Kanadalaiset taikurit Mahdi Gilbert ja Shane Cobalt rakentavat uutta esittavaa taidetta vanhojen perinteiden pohjalta.

Kari Huusari

Mahdi Gilbert tietaa millaista on taistella ylivoimaisia esteita vastaan.
- Sain jatkuvasti kuula muilta, miten eri asiat ovat minulle muka mahdottomia. Onneksi se ei lannistanut, vaan pain vastoin motivoi minua eteenpain.
Gilbert harjoitteli temppuja yolla omassa huoneessaan, koska hanei halunnut muiden nakevan miten han korttipakkaansa kasitteli.
Muistia, mentaalisia kykyja seka sorminapparyytta - uskomaton taito miehella, jolla ei ole sormia - lannistumatta treenannut Gilbert tutustui kuutisen vuotta sitten torontolaistaikuri Shane Cobaltiin, ja tulevat kuviot alkoivat vahitellen kirkastua.
- Huomasimme kumpikin pitavamma S.W. Erdnasen vuonna 1902 julkaisemasta kirjasta The Expert at the Card Table, ja siita alkoi yhteinen taipaleemme, Cobalt muistelee.
KOUVOLAN Taikapaiville saapunut kaksikko esittaa tanaan lauantaina kollegoilleen tuoreen ohjelmansa, jonka ensimmaiset yleisonaytokset ovat Helsingisee Teatteri WHS Unionissa 7. ja 8. huhtikuuta.
Taikapaivia alusta asti, vuodesta 1982, isannoinyt taikuri Markku Purho tietaa hauskan yksityiskohdan Gilbertin ja Shanen Modern Magic -esityksesta.
- Se perustuu professori Hoffmanin (Angelo Lewis) samannimiseen kirjaan vuodelta 1876. Hoffmanin aikalaiset pitivat kirjassa esiteltyja temppuja vanhanaikaisina, mutta nyt Mahdi ja Shane kaivoivat kirjan esiin ja uskon, etta jalki on hyvin modernia.
Historian ja nykytrendien yhdisteleminen kay torontolaiskaksikolta luonnostaan.
- Nayttamolla otamme mallia 1800-luvulta, jolloin taikurit luopuivat aikaisemmin kayttamistaan pitkista viitoista, kaavuista ja muista mystikon rooliin liittyvista tunnusmerkeista. Meilla on siistit povut, ja tunnelmaa lisaavat tarkasti aikakauden mukaan valmistetut poydat, aidot kristallilasit ja muut detaljit, Gilbert kertoo.
OHJELMAT valmistellaan aina yhteistyossa.
- Emme esita mitaan, mita toinen ei hyvaksy. Molempien pitaa olla sita mielta, etta idea on loistava. Pelkka "ok" ei riita. Silloin esitys on kohdallaan, jos itse ostaisimme liput siihen.
Close up -taikuus vaatii ymparilleen pienta, intiimia tilaa. Se sopii Gilbertille ja Cobaltille, jotka eivat valttamatta edes kaipaa jattiareenoille.
Mista maailmaa kiertava kaksikko haaveilee?
- Vaikea sanoa, mika se isoin juttu olisi. Olemme saaneet tyoskennella sellaisten suuruuksien kuin David Copperfieldin ja David Blainen kansaa, joten monet tavoitteet on jo saavutettu, Cobalt sanoo.
Gilbert heittaytyy filosofiseksi:
- Jotkut asiat on parempi pitaa salaisuuksina, koska uskon, etta silloin pystyy loytamaan oman tiensa.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

Mahdi, The Canadian Master of Magic That Knows No Barriers


Without Hands Or Feet This Magician Refused To Give Up His Dream