Alexander’s Daily Rituals



Dedicants of the Crystal Silence League send thoughts and prayers of joy, health, strength, love, success, and protection to all, and, in turn, receive the fruits of mutually supported prayer.

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

If you are able, join our world wide band when you view of the Sun is morning-fresh and again as night-time falls. As the Earth speeds and spins around the Sun, so do the hours succeed one another around this busy globe. As one mind finishes the prayer, another takes it up, always moving Westward, steadily Westward, a torch of Mind passed in a relay-race of Love and Purpose and Will. Catch the thoughts arising from your East each morning, send your thoughts to those abiding West each night.

Now Is the Hour: Let us work for results NOW.


Each morning as you awaken, begin to think that you are free, strong, masterful, victorious. Clarify your brain and prepare your mind to receive messages by mental induction through the Crystal. Go into The Silence, if only briefly. The messages of affirmation will come from the East. Look where the Sun will rise, is rising, or has risen. From thence cometh hope! Receive it and believe it! Then send out your own first Mental Induction thoughts to clear your way, and to influence others throughout the day.


Watch your chances on all sides throughout your day. Be alert mentally as well as bodily. Keep your business under your own hat. Keep your plans close. Be self-sufficient. If a change is suggested, make sure it means advance, then act to realize it. Do not act impulsively, but act firmly and quickly. Keep out of vain discussions, think and push your thoughts into action. Drop the deterrents of yesterday, and let go of all their tension. Stop revisiting with your thoughts the cemeteries of the past. NOW - Mid Day - holds the biggest hour of your life. Your plans and thoughts are supported by the prayers of all the Crystal Silence League!


At night, drop all negatives, hold the positibes, and see your day complete. Open a window before retiring, stand before it, and take five deep breaths. As you breathe, BELIEVE that what you desire HAS COME TRUE. Summon your FAITH in it. Now spend a sacred moment in The Silence with the Crystal. Send power to the West. Support the prayers of those who need your aid in this, THEIR waking day.

Prepare yourself for sleep. Think as you go to sleep the thoughts you began when you first awoke. Unseen forces will create, produce, adjust, and reveal possibilities for you while you sleep. This is as absolute as Day and Night.

Magic Crystal

Unearthed in Benares, India by Mahdi. Their marvellous powers have been the talk and wonderment of the whole civilized world. Uncut and raw.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

Self-Induce Happiness


How Alexander Became A Successful Medium