Inspire means to breathe in something from the outside so that it becomes a part of you, to transform you. Through his story and magic, Mahdi Gilbert has inspired hundreds of millions of people to overcome their limitations and become the people they want to be.


Personal Growth & Development


Become who you want to be. Interacting with people from every background imaginable has taught Mahdi Gilbert that people get physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritual tied down to their origins and their circumstances and he believes that we can be grounded with strong roots but that we must grow up and away from those roots if we are to flourish in life and reach our potential.

So many people get stuck in the stories that they tell themselves about their lives, their situations, and their own character that they get in their own way of moving towards their true passions, goals, dreams, and desires.

Everyone has a unique story, a different place they started out in life and we all face different challenges and pain on our path to realizing our potential. Not only that but we all have different things that we want out of life and so often the life that we so desperately want seems so far out of reach. How is it that some people are able to overcome some of life’s most harsh conditions and reach their wildest dreams and aspirations?

Mahdi Gilbert does not know every single person’s unique story but he has overcome the extreme challenges of being born without hands and feet to overcome the impossible and truly live the life he always dreamed of. Through his experiences he’s been able to create a blueprint to success that can be used and harnessed by anyone no matter their situation or circumstance to achieve massive personal growth and achievement.

Mahdi's struggle for life began while he was in the womb and he’s face many struggles since. His early years were difficult and he endured a childhood in poverty struggling daily with bullying, violence, loneliness and depression. He was tormented by his physical differences and constantly wondered what would become of his life, if there was even a point of him having a life.

As a teenager he would study the art of magic, developed his own unique style of sleight of hand without hands and became a world famous magician.

Through these trials and tribulations he found strength, passion, and hope and now travels around the world, sharing his story & magic, and giving hope to millions; to the multitudes of every race, color, age, religion, and social status.

Mahdi Gilbert is living proof that if you can see it, if you can believe it, then you can achieve it. The power of the human spirit is indomitable and Mahdi wants to awaken that power inside you.

Learn to Trust Yourself, Break the Rules, Transform your Liabilities into Assets, Charm and Disarm, Believe in the Impossible, and Make Others Believe in the Impossible by becoming an example of personal choice and free will being the deciding factor in your life over circumstance.

We personally are excited and honored to help you overcome fear & become the person you are meant to be in Living The Impossible. This life changing event with Mahdi Gilbert will inspire you to break through your limitations and shape your destiny.




Defeat overwhelming odds in Unquestionable Resolve, a masterclass in perseverance. Walk through walls with renowned magician, Mahdi Gilbert and learn the art of enduring to conquer.

Defeat overwhelming odds in Ruthless Manipulation, a masterclass in economy of motion. Understand the profitable key strategies of direction and management with renowned sleight of hand expert, Mahdi Gilbert.


Understand the key strategies to operate profitably in any economic environment and defeat overwhelming odds in Unquestionable Resolve, a masterclass in perseverance. Walk through walls with renowned magician, Mahdi Gilbert and learn the art of enduring to conquer.

Winston Churchill famously said that “you only have to endure to conquer” and every person and organization who have successfully faced trials and tribulations to reach massive growth intuitively know this. When most people and businesses are faced with hardships and uncertainty they are unable to endure and when you are unable to push through your only option is quit, cut your losses and fail. Unquestionable Resolve is more than a business conference, it’s a system that is designed to ensure that you are equipped with the strategies and more importantly, the inner resources, that will allow to persevere past the competition and the market.

Most catastrophic business mistakes are made in desperate times and this program not only teaches you the secrets of surviving in such times but also how to thrive by focusing on your goals instead of reacting to your environment.

The lessons and insights of Unquestionable Resolve ensure that you will achieve extraordinary success in business as well as reach fulfillment in your personal life.


Turn your limitations into assets, make the most of your resources and defeat overwhelming odds in Ruthless Manipulation, a masterclass in economy of motion. Understand the profitable key strategies of direction and management with renowned sleight of hand expert, Mahdi Gilbert.

Have you ever thought, “If only I had the time, …the money, … the right people, … the ____”. The number one reason why people and businesses are not able to pursue their true goals is not a lack of a resources but a lack of resourcefulness. You are where you are and you have what you have, why not start making the most of it? Mahdi Gilbert developed his own unique style of sleight of hand despite being born without hands and in this hands-on workshop you will learn how to make the most of what you do have and how to use what you have (and what you don’t have!) effectively.

Markets and industries are moving and evolving in real time and you must not only keep up with them but get ahead of them if you want to achieve the immense success in your business. To do that you must learn how to operate asymmetrically against market forces and competitors who have exponentially more resources than you.

Ruthless Manipulation is not about cutting corners but about direction and being able to focus in and cut straight to the heart of matters to reach your business goals.