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The Caged Canary

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The Caged Canary Mahdi The Magician The Caged Canary Mahdi The Magician

Ep 8: Isolation

In this episode I discuss the importance of isolation for your development. How to be alone and how to ask yourself the big questions which will shape you in your career and life.

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The Caged Canary Mahdi The Magician The Caged Canary Mahdi The Magician

Ep 7: Sinister Magic

“Nothing Sinister, I Promise” became a line I used frequently during my performances since I was very young. In this special Halloween episode we discuss magic with a sinister twist & the public’s hunger for the supernatural.

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The Caged Canary Mahdi The Magician The Caged Canary Mahdi The Magician

Ep 5: Staying Healthy On The Road

Mahdi The Magician discusses health, exercise, and eating habits while working as a traveling professional magician. He shares the hard lessons he’s learned from staying up too late, eating poorly and the effect it’s had on his professional work.

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