Mahdi’s Body is Painted
One summer day, while walking downtown, I was approached by a man who asked me if I was interested in being a model…

Making The Magic In Your Hands Poster
One of the biggest issues I had with performing a virtual magic show was explaining it to clients. I would tell them, everyone brings a deck of cards and the magic happens in your hands! They would be confused and asked if I was teaching them magic or doing a magic class over a video call.

What is Hidden Leaves?
I wanted to design a deck that was mysterious and filled with secrets, secrets that had to be earned through time, practice, and study. The name of the deck itself eludes to this. Throughout history a sheet a paper was referred to as a leaf of paper.

Making The Modern Magic Poster
One of the things that I was adamant about was that we had a great poster. Most magicians today don’t have real posters made for their shows. Instead, they use photographs or nothing at all…