If Someone Doesn’t Like You, Do This
If the person to whom you wish to project the Silent Influence has in the past been unfavourably disposed toward you, you must exercise both the positive and the negative qualities of your magnetism.
Try to meet the person face to face and if possible let a few words pass between you.
Say to yourself, "I WILL this person to feel my influence, to feel drawn to me, to feel my influence continually; I WILL that this influence shall not be shaken off."
Your thoughts so impressed will have their effect upon the person's mind, and impressions once made upon the mind are indelible. When you have once accomplished this, you have modelled the opinion of that person in obedience to your Will, and no resentment will be felt.
Mahdi The Magician Edition
PDF | 182 Pages
Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.
C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.
This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.
Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings